Confession time. I've been trying to hunt one down for a couple of days now. They retail for $249.99 (very reasonable as far as consoles go) and nobody had one. Sure I could have bought one off of eBay for 2-3 times the retail price but I refused.
Then today I just decided to call some of the businesses I hit a few days ago to see if they had any shipments arrive. BINGO! Toys R Us said they had a few but they couldn't hold any due to the demand.
I rushed right down. Into the store I went and WHAMMO! I was crushed to read a sign as I entered the gaming department, "Nintendo Wii Sold Out".
So I went up to the customer help desk to ask when another shipment would arrive. TRU associate 'Brad' quickly told me, "We aren't sold out. Actually we have six!" He went on:
"And for some reason they aren't selling as quickly as past shipments."
"Could it be the signs you have up telling customers you are sold out?"
"Oh yeah! I guess we should take those down."
Ah yes. I too remember those days of minimum wage retail work. It sucks!
Now even the most hardened critic (namely my wife) succumbed to the hip-ness generating from the console known as Wii.
I've owned many consoles over the years and have tried many, many more. My younger brother is a Playstation II fan while I was (kinda still am... just not as much) and Xbox fan. But the Wii is like no other. It is really good family fun.
We set it up tonight to play. The wife, our oldest and I played bowling while the youngest cheered us on enthusiastically. Its like having a bowling alley in your home. The disc packaged with the console also included tennis, baseball, golf, and boxing.
One of the other nice features I like is that the Wii came ready to connect to my Wi-Fi network without having to purchase additional hardware (unlike my Xbox). Once our bank account recovers from this purchase I'll use the Wii to surf online to their store and download some classic Nintendo games.
There are several channels preloaded. Most require an Internet connection. Forecast Channel, News Channel, Wii Shop Channel, Photo Channel and then there is the Mii channel. A Mii is a neat little way for you to customize your online player (body type, facial type, overall appearance) to use in your games and online community.
A free channel I downloaded is the Voting Channel. Its a fun little channel that lets you vote on various polls setup for the Wii online community.
I'm really digging this little white box. Its looks are deceiving. Anyone familiar with computer hardware might mistake it for an external CD/DVD drive. But there is a lot more in there than a disc reader.
"You are sweating like a... a... well... you are sweating a lot."
"Thanks honey. Now you know the FAT reason why I bought the thing!"
You may be a nurse, but you are SUCH A GUY!!! Enjoy it.